ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Jūsų sukurti serveriai, internetiniai projektai.
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ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Post by r0fe »


Noriu jums pasiūlyti užsukti ir pradėti žaisti puikiame ePlayer.eu Counter-Strike 1.6 serverių projekte. Projektas turi net 8 puikius serverius jūsų širdžiai, kiek vienas rasite sau patinkantį serverį ir visi jie skirtingi tokie kaip:

Server name: ePlayer.eu | Public
Darbo laikas: 24/7
Modas: Public

Server name: ePlayer.eu | Deathrun +Free VIP +AutoBhop!
Darbo laikas: 24/7
Modas: DeathRun

Server name: ePlayer.eu | JailBreak
Darbo laikas: 24/7
Modas: JailBreak

Server name: ePlayer.eu | Call Of Duty +500Lvl +20 Class
Darbo laikas: 24/7
Modas: Call Of Duty

Server name: ePlayer.eu | Umbrella Swarm +GunXP [High XP]
Darbo laikas: 24/7
Modas: Umbrella Swarm

Server name: ePlayer.eu // Hide N SeeK
Darbo laikas: 24/7
Modas: Hide N SeeK

Server name: ePlayer.eu // TRICKZONE!
Darbo laikas: 24/7

Server name: ePlayer.eu // HNS OLD STYLE
Darbo laikas: 24/7

Paleidęs skype botą galite gauti VIP privilegijas visuose šiuose serveriuose 1 savaitei :)

Projekto savininko skype: pagalba.eplayer.eu [Mažvis] ir riciardasx [Ryčka]
Projekto forumas: http://eplayer.eu/

Laukiame jūsų šiuose puikiuose Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriuose.

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Flooderis arba specialistas
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Skype: ner.e5

Re: ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Post by Trickas »

Aha, viso gero.

Code: Select all

Connecting to accepted by tried to send invalid command:"bind "TAB" "+showscores""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "ENTER" "+attack""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "SPACE" "+jump""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "'" "+moveup""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "+" "sizeup""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "," "buyammo1""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "-" "sizedown""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "." "buyammo2""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "/" "+movedown""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "0" "slot10""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "1" "slot1""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "2" "slot2""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "3" "slot3""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "4" "slot4""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "5" "slot5""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "6" "slot6""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "7" "slot7""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "8" "slot8""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "9" "slot9""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind ";" "+mlook""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "=" "sizeup""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "[" "invprev""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "]" "invnext""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "`" "toggleconsole""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "a" "+moveleft""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "c" "radio3""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "d" "+moveright""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "f" "say ePlayer.eu - Counter Strike""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "g" "drop""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "h" "+commandmenu""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "i" "showbriefing""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "j" "cheer""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "k" "+voicerecord""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "m" "chooseteam""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "n" "say ePlayer.eu - Counter Strike""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "o" "buyequip""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "q" "lastinv""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "s" "+back""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "e" "+use""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "t" "impulse 201" "Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "u" "messagemode2""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "y" "messagemode""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "b" "buy""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "r" "+reload""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "w" "+forward""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "x" "radio2""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "z" "radio1""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "~" "toggleconsole""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "UPARROW" "+forward""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "DOWNARROW" "+back""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "LEFTARROW" "+left""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "ALT" "+strafe""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "CTRL" "+duck""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "SHIFT" "+speed""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F1" "Spaudziau F1""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F2" "Spaudziau F2""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F3" "Spaudziau F3""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F4" "Spaudziau F4""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F5" "snapshot""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F6" "Spaudziau F6""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F7" "Spaudziau F7""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F8" "Spaudziau F8""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F9" "Spaudziau F9""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F10" "Spaudziau F10""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F11" "Spaudziau F11""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "F12" "Spaudziau F12""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "INS" "Spaudziau Insert""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "DEL" "Spaudziau Delete""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "PGDN" "Spaudziau PGDOWN""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "PGUP" "Spaudziau PGUP""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "END" "Spaudziu END""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "MOUSE1" "+attack""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2""Server tried to send invalid command:"bind "PAUSE" "pause" 

Code: Select all

Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile "autoexec.CFG""Server tried to send invalid command:"motd_write Connect"Server tried to send invalid command:"motd_write bind END quit 
- Skype: ner.e5
- Steam: Tr1ckas

O taip. Jis jau surinko 50 žinučių!
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Re: ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Post by Zaidejas1 »

Laužyti tokius "projektus"!!! Arnai, baną jam dovanų! :)

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Re: ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Post by life55 »

buvau call of duty servery, daugiau nebegrisiu. Visos gerosios klases adminams, vipams, zmoniu vos 7 (turbut vien del sitos nesamones), dmg nesureguliuotas, kadangi auksto lvl zmones visada nusauna is hito kitus :asian: zodziu faill + slowhack'eriai, turbut niekas nenusimintu jai toki suda ir nulauztu :bag: :bad:

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Flooderis arba specialistas
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Re: ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Post by Trickas »

Ne veltui 4 kart jei ne daugiau jau buvo nulaužti.
- Skype: ner.e5
- Steam: Tr1ckas

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Re: ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Post by PixelX »

keletas duom bazių iš eplayer.eu serverio, galbūt ir websaita pavyks `atkabint`

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Re: ePlayer.eu - Counter-Strike 1.6 serveriai

Post by zukas »

pilna bindu pas sita

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