-- 2015 Vas 23 11:11 --What is special in this version of metamod?
Hardcoded linkents have been replaced with dynamic linkents. No large list of entities that get outdated fast as new mods come and old ones update.
Autodetects gamedll for unknown/new mods (so you don't have to use metamod-config to make Metamod-P work on those mods).
Because of reasons above, you basicly never need to update metamod again anymore. This works all future mods and updates.
Better performance/less CPU usage than original Metamod (by reducing executable size and therefore CPU cache pressure).
tiem kas nezinojo galite padaryti kad zmogus konsolei parases meta list meta version nieko nepamatytu atkomentuokit //clientmeta no
susikurkite cstrike\addons\metamod\config.ini
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// Fields are whitespace delimited (tabs/spaces).//// Comments are either c++ style ("//") or unix shell style ("#"), and // can appear ONLY at the beginning of a line.//// The following provide a list of recognized options, their defaults, and// examples of usage.//// debuglevel <number>// gamedll <path>// plugins_file <path>// exec_cfg <file>// autodetect <yes/no> // debuglevel <number>// where <number> is an integer, 0 and up.// Sets the initial debugging level for metamod (same as cvar "meta_debug").// Default is normally 0. If hlds is run with "-dev", default is 3.// Overridden by: +localinfo mm_debug <number>// Examples://// debuglevel 0// debuglevel 42 // gamedll <path>// where <path> is an absolute path, or a path relative to the gamedir.// Overrides the auto-detected gamedll, in particular for bots.// Default is empty, with gamedll being auto-recognized based on the // gamedir.// Overridden by: +localinfo mm_gamedll <path>// Examples://// gamedll dlls/hl.dll// gamedll ../podbot/podbot.dll// gamedll /home/bots/dlls/mybot.dll // plugins_file <path>// where <path> is an absolute path, or a path relative to the gamedir.// Overrides the default filename containing the MM plugins to load.// Default is "addons/metamod/plugins.ini".// Overridden by: +localinfo mm_pluginsfile <path>// Examples://// plugins_file cfg/clanmode.ini// plugins_file ../private.ini// plugins_file /home/half-life/testing.ini // exec_cfg <file>// where <file> is a path relative to the gamedir. Note! This CANNOT be// an absolute path, as hlds will not "exec" absolute pathnames.// Overrides the default filename containing hlds commands to run just// after loading Metamod.// Default is "addons/metamod/exec.cfg".// Overridden by: +localinfo mm_execcfg <path>// Examples://// exec_cfg configs/debugging.cfg// exec_cfg ../clan/match.cfg // autodetect <yes/no>// Setting to disable or enable autodetection of gamedll.// Extra feature for Metamod+All-Mod-Support Patch.// Default is "yes".// Overridden by: +localinfo mm_autodetect <yes/no>// Examples://// autodetect yes// autodetect no // clientmeta <yes/no>// Setting to disable or enable Metamod's client commands ('meta list' and// 'meta version')// Extra setting for Metamod+All-Mod-Support Patch.// Default is "yes".// Overridden by: +localinfo mm_clientmeta <yes/no>// Examples://// clientmeta yes//clientmeta no